Saturday, August 23, 2008

EG1471- Portfolio 1

I agree with Prof Seeram Ramakrishna, article two with his idea in changing the face of engineering. I reckon that the notion of the companies, organizations and even nations need a workforce, especially engineers that does not ‘fear’ technology but embraces and thrive it, is the most important aim to the engineering profession in future.

In the early 1990s, the time when the economic and technology are in the most advancing pace, people were clueless and helpless with the progress of this technology evolution. It is understood that most people found it difficult to adapt with this transition of technology advancement, where they needed to switch from typewriter, to computer keyboard. While for engineers, it proved to be tough for them too because they used to judge the matters based on experience, but with the newly technology tools, they needed to judge the matters based on system approach. As a result, during that time, it had contributed to unexpected and adverse situations, where people tried to keep pace with the progress of technology. Although it takes time for adjustment, yet the nation needs a workforce that has ‘gut’ to face technology. To me, engineering profession should be ‘fearless’ when it confronted with the adversity of technology.

According to Prof Seeram, engineers’ training helps to systematically analyze complex information and apply a holistic approach in designing solutions. It is vital to engineers, as what they have been gone through is totally different from other profession, such as business, IT or art. If our future engineers failed to embrace on the challenge of new technology, it will not only be a drag to country’s economic development, it will also affect the people’s daily life, as engineers fail to address the people’s needs. Therefore, engineers should always be upgrading themselves with the new technology knowledge and accept the idea of the technology advancement with an open mind, as I firmly believe the future of the world, is in the hands of engineers.


vivian said...

It will be a bad impediment to a country’s development indeed, if engineers themselves have a great fear of technology. However, unrestrained research and development because of “fearless” may lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore I think it is essential for engineers to keep proper fear of technology.

Chai Sen said...

In my opinion, i believe the public must also have a certain level of courage and willingness to adopt the new technology created by the engineers, or else what benefits can this great new technology brings if nobody is using it.