Monday, September 28, 2009

28/09/2009- Monday night 11.37pm @ PGP

YES! the midterm test for IE2110 is not that tough. Well~ at least i regard it as the easiet midterm test so far:) hmm after that, my whole brain is just thinking about her whether i should ask her for lunch or not, really cant concentrate, alot of scenario pop up, like meeting her outside of SRC dance studio, what should i say, how would she respond? Haizz, but everything vanish as she appeared at YIH afterward, omg i was thinking how come she didnt go for dance class, shit la~~~everything that are having in my mind is useless now. OK nvm, ltr i try to sms her and ask her lo but her bf came and sitted besides her, so suay la!!! I think i better concentrate on my studies now, prob is damn tough, super tough, even i look at the answer also dont understand, jialat la this time, but i will not fail this module, no way i should fail. I have time to turn things around and i believe it in myself as how i manage to pull myself out of MA1505 and EG1109 miseries.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

27/09/2009- Sunday night 11.19pm @ PGP

Well~~~ today i talked to her and sit beside her leh, haha. The feeling is shiok but i still dont dare to ask her out for dinner. Hmm, probably i think we still need to get know more with each other then i make the move or else i think it will be rather weird to ask a gal without really 'knowing' each other, aiyo i also dont know what am i talking abt, haha. But i did compliment her dress nicely and pretty today, i suppose all gals like to hear this kind of stuff right??? Hmm but i speak from my heart, no lie! She did look happy and said thank you to me, it was so cool to look at her face in such a close distance, she is just absolutely cuteeeeeee neh >_<

27/09/2009- Saturday midnight 12.40am @ PGP

Camp all day at YIH and come up with one solution. Is studying all day proportional to the amount that you have learned. Really doubt so coz i saw someone who study for 1 hour is more productive that i study for 3 hours. I really really need to review my study method...

Btw, i finally dare to get her hp no although i have it in the first place >_< Well~~~ i think my BP is shooting to 180, my heart is keep pumping and my face is blushing but i was happy coz i have done something that i wish to do it long time ago. I should have asked her out at the same time when i get her no but when i see her bf wallpaper on her hp, i was stoned and back off abit, maybe i should take thing slow, there still have alot of chances next time, anyway she will be my classmate for the next 2 1/2 years. I should stand a chance :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

26/09/2009- Friday midnight 12.21am @ PGP

Today, i really learn alot of new things, knew maybe 5% more abt myself, of coz credit to my coach. Hmm, didnt really know what i fear or worry abt over the past 20+ years, now i have found the root, hmm kinda relieved but sad coz it means i have to face it now. Well~~~ Breathing really helps as it will keep me more focus instead of paying too much attention on my thought. On my way back to PGP, i just keep telling myself it's just my thought, it's just my thought, you can control yr mind man, dont let yr mind control you!!! Haizzz, i just realised also i neglected my beloved heart for too long...Nv listen to him, instead letting my mind won all the 'war'. Besides this, i found it i have been procrastinated at my room for too long, study in YIH is really good choice, or maybe i wanna avoid my noisy neighbour??? hmm i dont know but i think i will try to think it in a good way that i am away from my room and i can be more focus to study in YIH. Ok, back on track. Simplicity, no worry is really good, but can a person do that??? i really doubt so. Maybe he can lead a simple life but totally no worry in his/her life can be kinda hard. I wish i can be like my coach, my good friend, LF, facing adversity with no fear but calm mind. i really need to adjust it, living in worry is really like a hell~~~ i must get rid of it and stay happy!!!