Saturday, September 26, 2009

26/09/2009- Friday midnight 12.21am @ PGP

Today, i really learn alot of new things, knew maybe 5% more abt myself, of coz credit to my coach. Hmm, didnt really know what i fear or worry abt over the past 20+ years, now i have found the root, hmm kinda relieved but sad coz it means i have to face it now. Well~~~ Breathing really helps as it will keep me more focus instead of paying too much attention on my thought. On my way back to PGP, i just keep telling myself it's just my thought, it's just my thought, you can control yr mind man, dont let yr mind control you!!! Haizzz, i just realised also i neglected my beloved heart for too long...Nv listen to him, instead letting my mind won all the 'war'. Besides this, i found it i have been procrastinated at my room for too long, study in YIH is really good choice, or maybe i wanna avoid my noisy neighbour??? hmm i dont know but i think i will try to think it in a good way that i am away from my room and i can be more focus to study in YIH. Ok, back on track. Simplicity, no worry is really good, but can a person do that??? i really doubt so. Maybe he can lead a simple life but totally no worry in his/her life can be kinda hard. I wish i can be like my coach, my good friend, LF, facing adversity with no fear but calm mind. i really need to adjust it, living in worry is really like a hell~~~ i must get rid of it and stay happy!!!

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