Monday, September 28, 2009

28/09/2009- Monday night 11.37pm @ PGP

YES! the midterm test for IE2110 is not that tough. Well~ at least i regard it as the easiet midterm test so far:) hmm after that, my whole brain is just thinking about her whether i should ask her for lunch or not, really cant concentrate, alot of scenario pop up, like meeting her outside of SRC dance studio, what should i say, how would she respond? Haizz, but everything vanish as she appeared at YIH afterward, omg i was thinking how come she didnt go for dance class, shit la~~~everything that are having in my mind is useless now. OK nvm, ltr i try to sms her and ask her lo but her bf came and sitted besides her, so suay la!!! I think i better concentrate on my studies now, prob is damn tough, super tough, even i look at the answer also dont understand, jialat la this time, but i will not fail this module, no way i should fail. I have time to turn things around and i believe it in myself as how i manage to pull myself out of MA1505 and EG1109 miseries.

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