Friday, October 2, 2009

Worry & Down @ PGP

Well didnt update for the past 2 days, should update more often. Have been encountered alot of setback today, partly prob midterm. Expected it will be hard to do so not really disappointing with the outcome. Probably can get 10/30. Hmm the really disappointing thing is i got rejected of asking the gal out, i am so stupid that i forgot tml is the latern festival, who will go out for dinner with a stranger??? Haizzz, probably i will ask her out again, definitely got chance:) However, i suddenly felt my shoulder is ligher, things that always appear in my mind had finally vented out. Maybe i should have done that long time ago, i dont know why but felt that me is full with confidence now, coz she probably know that i l**e her so although it might get embrasses when meet her, but thing is already happen and she already know so why should i afraid of now>_< Besides this, learn another thing from myself through coaching. I think i will write another post regarding who am i, felt kinda sleepy now. HUH, at least me now is already facing the truth and the cruel reality.

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