Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Frustration @ PGP

Have endured somewhat a frustrating and irritating day. What a unplesant feeling to start off my week. Firstly, met a super rude uncle and i just felt how come there is still such an uneducated person in Singapore. Haizzz, doesnt wanna mention in detail, the more i think about the face of that person, the more i feel frustrated. However, during that particular moment, i suddenly think of god and console myself god will forgive this man, he is just ignorance. Have been keep on listening to 2 jesus songs to make myself calmer. Arrived at school pretty early, and try to surf net to keep on dig in the information about christianity. The more i find, the more i try to stand in the neutral side to view this matter. Hundred of years people are fighting over the issue of religious particularly. If my god exists, then your belief will be nothing. If i am right, then you are wrong, so it is very hard to draw a line between each 'god'. I will not give up in searching more information, and i found out createnism is really an interesting topic, maybe i will try to read the first chapter of the bible, provided i have time:)

"If god said the way you did is wrong, then who judge the god whether he is right or wrong?"

Have done something which i am quite proud of myself today. Manage to keep myself away from spending. I just bought a fan today, although i felt a little but guilty. I learn that I have to control my mind to keep me away from addiction, be it clothes, entertainment or even smoking. Really impress about my friend, who managed to endure the peer pressure, maybe god really lead his path and guide him along the way:) I have to admit peer pressure is something that i was quite hard to resist. Maybe my mental strength is still not strong enough, but this sem i gonna find out how far i can go...

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